Archive for DC Events

The DC Conference Question Asker

A+B(C)+D = why you should listen to me…

Awhile back, I attended a small conference put on by the National Security Network and hosted by the Center for American Progress on the new report and policy recommendations based on the lessons learned from our (the US government’s) attempts at reconstruction and nation building in Iraq.  (I don’t care if you don’t like the term nation building, that’s what we’re doing, or trying to do.)   The panel was distinguished and included Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. the US Inspector General who recently released his report on the lessons learned from our reconstruction and stabilization efforts in Iraq, an officer of the International Crisis Group (one of my favorite international conflict monitoring NGOs), and a distinguished journalist who served as moderator.

… continue reading this entry.

Thomas Jefferson: Back in Washington City

Jefferson Offers Advice to His Senate Progeny

Yesterday, I had the tremendous fortune to meet the 3rd President of the United States: Thomas Jefferson.  He was wise, inspiring and had a sensible message on how today’s political leaders could and should rightly govern.

… continue reading this entry.